These will help buff up Iron Bear’s health to the millions. Important skills to note: Stainless Steel Bear, Auto Bear, Deadlines, Security Bear, Desperate Measures, Dakka Bear. Be sure to equip Iron Bear with matching Hammerdown Protocol launchers for big burst damage with huge AoE. It also deals double damage than usual, so if you like staying inside Iron Bear for a good amount of time, this is the Moze build for you. Lets you stay in Iron Bear longer than usual. The Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge – A must for most Vault Hunter builds, especially ones that boost your magazine size and increases fire rate. So if you’re impatient, just go for Dowsing Rods, Flippers, and Lyudas with good anoints like consecutive hits bonuses. Monarchs will take you a while to farm since they have a low drop rate from Killavolt. The skills from this build will amplify these guns and damage output. Heck, you can use Lucian and Rowan’s Call for this build as they have good firing rates. Weapons that have decent magazines & high firing rate – Examples include the Flipper SMG, the Monarch and Dowsing Rod Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles like the Lyuda and Septimator Prime, and most Vladof guns. Find one that gives you extra points to Fire in the Skag Den and Redistribution. Dealing critical damage lets you drop a Micro Grenade that explodes it’s a 25% chance, but this build lets you fire a gazillion bullets so your chances are very high.
Mine Sweeper – Moze Class Mod used for killing bosses. Make sure to get the one that gives you +5 to the Iron Bank skill, so it expands your magazine size exponentially. Sapper – Moze Class Mod that gives you lifesteal if you keep firing your gun. Try to get one that gives you 50% elemental damage on Action Skill End. High capacity and makes you immune to shock damage. Transformer – Still one of the best shields around. Not only does your Iron Bear stay around a tad longer than the previous build, you can use it as cover as you unload bullets without any need to reload or worry about losing ammo fast. Important skills to note: The Bottomless Mags tree & Forge, Fire in the Skag Den, Short Fuse, Auto Bear, Grizzled. If you’re not a fan of reloading guns, this is the build for you. Whether it’s a Badass or a Boss, you’ll shred them in no time flat while also getting a temporary aggro-drawing assist from your Iron Bear. This Moze build is easy to comprehend: fire bullets until the enemies are dead. When at max stack, adds an additional +90% damage. Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge: Consecutive hits give you a 1% increased damage per hit up to 15 times. Plaguebearer with U-Rad anointment: same as above, but bigger burst damage and a tougher weapon to farm. You can easily farm the Flipper from the Minosaur in the Bounty of Blood DLC. When you have the top Shield of Retribution skill tree set up as such, your life will be below 50%, thus activating this anointment on this SMG automatically. All skills in the skill points will make sure your Shield is always regenerating and staying on top, while your life is lower than 50% to activate the anoints on your weapons.įlipper with U-Rad anointment: U-rad anointments are “while under 50% health, deal 150% bonus radiation damage”. Basically your Shield goes up to the max and is your new lifebar. Doubles health.īloodletter Class Mod: This will complement with the Ultra shield and the Phalanx Doctrine/Shield of Retribution skill tree.
Weapons, Mods, & Artifacts You NeedĮmpowered Plus Ultra: Important for this build. You want to cause as much damage and explosions as possible with this build. Important skills to note: Fire in the Skag Den, Phalanx Doctrine, Short Fuse.
Basically you have high survivability with Shields at full potential and your weapons deal a lot of direct and splash damage. This one is named after the My Hero Academia flavour text of the Plus Ultra shield, brand new from the Psycho Krieg DLC. The game has been out for a year, so it should be discounted on your purchasing platform of choice by now. Here are our suggested builds to power through the endgame and make your farming and boss takedown bits a lot manageable on the highest Mayhem level.ĭo note that in order to get the most out of these OP builds, you will need ALL the DLC for this game. With that said, we should share our favourite builds and weapons/mods/artifacts setup you should focus on and what Legendaries to farm. The game’s current arsenal and legendary weapons are all out in the open and the game’s level cap is set, at least for now.

Gearbox announced recently that it will have less frequent hotfixes and updates for Borderlands 3, now that its seeming final DLC for the game’s first season is out and about. It’s been a year, and Borderlands 3 is stronger and more packed than ever. Disclaimer: this feature will be updated with more builds on a periodic basis.